Articles>Addiction Research

a woman in bed looks sad after pondering women's alcohol abuse

Are Women’s Lifespans Shortened by Alcohol Abuse?

A recent study highlights the more significant risks incurred by women who over-drink, compared to men and even to other non-drinking women. In short, women’s alcohol abuse can have more drastically severe consequences than men’s.At Recovery Ranch, we believe women should always be supported in their journey to overcoming addiction. We understand that each person’s […]

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a person checks a gambling site while watching sports after a loved one couldn't stop enabling gambling

Are You Enabling a Gambling Addiction?

There is often a misguided belief that gambling addiction is not as destructive as other forms of addictive behavior. The unsettling reality is that gambling addiction can have far-reaching consequences in the lives of those who love the person struggling with this process addiction, especially since loved ones are often responsible for enabling the addiction

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a person sits on stairs outside contemplating if they recognize signs of heroin addiction in a loved one

Spotting Signs of Heroin Addiction Could Save a Life

Spotting the psychological and physical symptoms of heroin abuse could help you save the life of somebody you know. This is especially important given the rising number of deaths attributed to the drug. From 2010 to 2012, the number of overdose deaths from heroin doubled across 28 states, and in 2012 the same states saw

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a man covers his eyes as he considers the dangers of being sleep deprived

The Dangers of Being Sleep Deprived

Lack of sleep can give people headaches, make them irritable, and even leave them feeling drunk. Many don’t know that lack of sleep can also cause a sense of euphoria that can cloud a person’s judgment and reasoning ability. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, this euphoria and lack of sound mind

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Is There a Really Addictive Personality?

We have all heard that some people are prone to addiction, and there seem to be plenty of real-world examples to illustrate the truth of this adage. But is it accurate to say that someone who has suffered through multiple addictions has a really addictive personality? Or is this an overly simplistic explanation for a

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How Impulsivity Can Make You More Prone to Addiction

Impulsivity is a formal term for impulsive behavior. While almost everyone acts impulsively some of the time, people with a high degree of impulsivity routinely act in this manner. One of the known problems in highly impulsive individuals is an increased chance of developing diagnosable symptoms of addiction or non-addicted substance abuse. A brief rundown

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Can Your Eye Color Shed Light on Your Drinking?

They say the eyes are a window to the soul, but they might also provide information on your drinking habits. Individuals with light-colored eyes may be at greater risk for developing alcohol dependence than their brown-eyed compatriots, genetic researchers from the University of Vermont reported in the July issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics:

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