Articles>Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

a doctor talks to a patient about alcohol and hemochromatosis

Alcohol Abuse and Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis, or iron overload, is a medical condition that occurs when too much of the mineral iron builds up inside the body and produces a toxic reaction. Normally, your digestive system absorbs all the iron you need from the food you eat. But if you have hemochromatosis, your intestines absorb too much iron, and your […]

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a man holds a glass of water and wonders about the dangers of alcohol withdrawal

The Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

When you have reached a point where your life revolves around drinking, you probably know you have a problem. You aren’t even sure if you are drinking because you want to drink anymore or if you are drinking because you have to drink. You know you should stop, but you aren’t sure if you can.

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Long Term Effects of Alcohol

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down function in the central nervous system. A single instance of drinking does little to the system. However, continued drinking for several years or decades will eventually take its toll. Let’s take a closer look at the long-term effects of alcohol and why you should get help if you have an

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a man suffers from alcohol abuse and leaky gut

Alcohol Abuse and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is an unofficial term used to describe a collection of symptoms that center on damage in the lining of the large intestine. This damage gives undigested food particles and toxins access to the bloodstream by producing minute gaps in the intestinal wall. There is controversy regarding some of the purported effects of leaky

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In Addiction Treatment and Beyond: We Need Each Other

In Addiction Treatment and Beyond: We Need Each Other

If any good thing has arisen from the collective trauma that we are all experiencing through the spread of COVID-19 and subsequent prevention methods, it is a spotlight on just how much we need each other especially when it comes to addiction treatment and beyond. Throughout the last six months, our ability to adapt to

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doctor helping patient lift weights exercise in drug and alcohol rehab

The Effects of Exercise on Drug or Alcohol Rehab

It’s no secret that exercise benefits the body and the mind. Vigorous exercise improves circulation, strengthens the heart, helps maintain weight, relieves stress, sharpens the mind, and aids in sweating toxins out of the body. Researchers are now exploring how exercise can specifically help those individuals who are enrolled in substance abuse rehabilitation programs. Here

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man reaching out to depressed woman wondering Why Do I Need Alcohol Abuse Counseling

Why Do I Need Alcohol Abuse Counseling?

When we have patients come into our facility at The Ranch, we want to encourage open conversations about substance use disorders. Part of this starts with asking and answering those commonly asked questions. For instance, we often hear, why do I need alcohol abuse counseling, from patients who are entering treatment. Also, some patients may

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Alcohol-Induced Psychosis: Causes, Concerns & Treatment Options

People who drink excessive amounts of alcohol can develop the symptoms of psychosis (hallucinations and/or delusional thinking) while intoxicated or in a state of withdrawal. They can also develop a distinct condition called alcohol-induced psychotic disorder or alcohol-induced psychotic syndrome (AIPS). The development of AIPS is a very serious occurrence that can lead to poor

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