Dual Diagnosis

person sitting on couch hanging head while dealing with marijuana use and depression

Effects of Marijuana on Depression

The relationship between marijuana use and emotional health is a topic of ongoing debate and research. Many people turn to marijuana in an attempt to manage symptoms of depression, but this approach can often lead to unintended consequences. For those struggling with both substance use and emotional challenges, dual diagnosis treatment can provide a comprehensive

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person in bed with hand over face experiencing chronic depression

What Is Chronic Depression?

Chronic depression, also called dysthymia and persistent depressive disorder (PDD), is a form of depression that lasts two years or longer. Symptoms of chronic depression are generally considered less severe than major depressive disorder (MDD). However, while MDD comes and goes, chronic depression is persistent and challenges a person’s daily functioning. At The Ranch, we know

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a group supports soneone who is upset after discussing what is dual diagnosis?

Dual Diagnosis: Where Mental Heath And Substance Use Converge

Mental health and addiction often go hand-in-hand. As mental health symptoms worse, they can cause people to feel the urge to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. On the other hand, living with a long-term addiction can cause chemical and physical changes in the brain, which can lead to mental health conditions. Living with dually diagnosed

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Person looking at reflection while experiencing co-occurring disorders and borderline personality disorder

Common Co-Occurring Disorders for Borderline Personality Disorder

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, are mental health conditions that coexist with one another. Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may struggle with additional mental health issues, such as ADHD, anxiety, or addiction. Recognizing co-occurring disorders and BPD can help people receive the appropriate treatment to lead healthier lives.At Recovery Ranch in TN,

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Man looking out of window thinking about the connection between mental disorders and drinking

How Mental Disorders Affect Drinking Behaviors

There is a definite correlation between mental disorders and drinking. The connection between the two is apparent in how various mental health issues influence how someone uses alcohol. Those with psychological conditions often have an increased risk of developing a drinking problem. It is known as “dual diagnosis” or “co-occurring disorders” when this happens. Recovery Ranch

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a person in a virtual IOP waves at their laptop

Is Virtual IOP the Right Addiction Treatment for Me?

With recent technological changes in daily life, therapy and treatment have changed to fit the new standard. With a virtual intensive outpatient program (IOP) for mental health and addiction treatment, you can receive the same high-class care and support you’ll need as you reach for recovery with the flexibility and independence to prioritize other aspects

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woman sits on pier watching the sunset while thinking about how suicide and meth use can be intertwined

Suicide and Meth Use

Methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth or just meth, is highly addictive. Many people have become dependent on it, and too many have died. The physical effects of this drug can lead to fatalities, but the truly troubling side effects are psychological, leading to the relationship between suicide and meth use.Abusers of meth are more

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