Love Addiction

Concerned man looking out window contemplating the question what is process addiction

What Is a Process Addiction?

Though most people are familiar with substance use disorders, process addiction is unfamiliar to many. A process addiction is a compulsion to engage in a specific activity, no matter how much it adversely affects a person’s ability to stay healthy and functional. Individuals might feel a high from engaging in the behavior and experience guilt […]

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Woman sitting with her head in her hands feeling distressed about behavioral addictions

The Dangers of Behavioral Addictions

When most people hear the word addiction, they think of drug or alcohol use. However, other types of addiction are behavioral or process-oriented. These form in the same ways as substance use disorders and carry many of the same dangers. Individuals with behavioral addictions engage in activities compulsively and without the ability to refrain, causing

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a 12 step-recovery group talks

Using 12-Step Recovery to Overcome Love Addiction

Love addiction can consume a person’s life and create ongoing emotional chaos. But, like other addictions, it can be overcome through careful therapy and treatment. Groups such as Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous employ a 12-step recovery program based on the successful recovery format used in Alcoholics Anonymous.At Recovery Ranch Tennessee, we understand the emotional

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Woman discusses sex addiction treatment for women with a counselor

Importance of Specialized Sex Addiction Counseling for Women

Women make up a fairly small percentage of the number of people who seek help for sex addiction. However, when they do seek sex addiction counseling, women can potentially receive unique benefits from programs that offer gender-specific treatment. That’s true, in large part, because women who struggle with porn or sex addiction typically experience different

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a woman displays the common indicators of love addiction

What Are the Most Common Indicators of Love Addiction?

Those who are addicted to love live in a chaotic world of desperate need and emotional despair. Fearful of being alone or rejected, love addicts endlessly search for that special someone that will make them feel whole. Ironically, these individuals oftentimes have had numerous opportunities for the truly intimate experience they think they want. But they are

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a couple holds hands possibly talking about the link between sex and depression

Can Sex Help with Depression?

There are many ways therapists treat depression and anxiety, including medications, behavioral therapies, and support groups. However, there are some things you can focus on at home to improve depression symptoms and reduce anxiety. These include regular exercise, good nutrition, and time spent outdoors. Additionally, developing positive coping strategies such as deep breathing and progressive

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The Narcissist Test and What It Can Tell You

Today, many “narcissist tests” exist that confirm the idea that someone you know (let’s face it, your ex) does indeed have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The most official of the narcissism tests, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), is commonly used to determine if someone displays narcissistic behaviors. But is it possible to read this test

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codependency and addiction

The Cycle of Codependency and Addiction

Understanding CodependencyCodependency may be one of the most common yet widely misunderstood behaviors. In short, codependency means sacrificing your needs to meet the needs of someone else. But there is more to the story.  An isolated act of self-sacrifice or kindness isn’t inherently codependent. Codependency isn’t a mental health diagnosis. Rather it is both a behavior

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Discovering Your Partner’s Sex Addiction

Discovering Your Partner’s Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is perhaps not as familiar to most people as substance abuse disorders may be. Sex is a natural part of human behavior, and an interest in sex is completely healthy. Most of us are aware that people’s sexual appetites and proclivities vary on a wide spectrum.  It isn’t always easy to recognize when these

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